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Bay and Basin Camera Club
Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin, Shoalhaven, NSW
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Meetings: 7:30pm
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month
Vincentia Community Hall

Monthly competitions at the Bay and Basin Camera Club consist of two sections, an Open section where any photograph may be entered, and a Set Subject competition, where entered photographs must relate closely to, and clearly reflect, the Set Subject which is chosen by the committee and advertised up to a year in advance.

The object of the Set Subject competition is to encourage members to try subjects that they might normally avoid, hopefully stretching their creativity, increasing their photographic knowledge and improving their photography.

Members are encouraged to take photos specifically for the Set Subject, rather than rummaging through their hard drives searching for a photo that fits the subject.

For links to all of our previous Set Subjects - click here.

Please contact any committee member with your set subject suggestions. A list of possible set subjects can be found here - Set Subjects Suggestions

Upcoming Set Subjects - click the links below for examples further down the page


AprilFarm Animals
JuneAlleys / Streets
AugustFetes / Festivals
OctoberLights that look like Neon Lights

Guidelines for upcoming Set Subjects

Disclaimer: the images shown below may not fit the set subject - it is always up to the discretion of the judge ...

February 2025 - Aviation

Aviation comes from the Latin "avis" meaning "bird," an appropriate translation given that aviation deals with travel by air, specifically in a plane. The aviation industry is the business sector dedicated to manufacturing and operating all types of aircraft.

March 2025 - Rocks

According to Wikipedia, in geology, rock (or stone) is any naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid matter. It is categorized by the minerals included, its chemical composition, and the way in which it is formed.

April 2025 - Farm Animals

Animals like cattle, sheep, pigs, horses etc. which are normally found on farms, as opposed to domestic animals like cats and dogs.

May 2025 - Sport

Sport can be defined as all forms of physical activity that contribute to physical fitness, mental well-being and social interaction. These include play; recreation; casual, organized, competitive sports and team sports.

June 2025 - Alleys / Streets

An alley is a narrow lane, path, or passageway, often reserved for pedestrians, which usually runs between, behind, or within buildings in the older parts of towns and cities. It is also a rear access or service road or back lane. A street is a public way especially in a city, town, or village usually including sidewalks and being wider than an alley or lane.

July 2025 - Minimalist

Minimalist photography is a form of photography that is distinguished by austere simplicity. It emphasizes sparseness and careful composition, shying away from overabundance of color, patterns, or information.

August 2025 - Fetes / Festivals

A fete is a lavish often outdoor entertainment, or a large elaborate party. A festival is an event celebrated by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect or aspects of that community and its religion or cultures.

September 2025 - Humour

Humour is something that provokes laughter and provides amusement. Though ultimately decided by subjective personal taste, the extent to which a person finds something humourous depends on a host of variables, including geographical location, culture, maturity, level of education, intelligence and context.

October 2025 - Lights that look like Neon Lights

Neon lights are electric lights lighted by long luminous gas-discharge tubes that contain rarefied neon or other gases. They have generally been phased out in favour of LED lights which look like neon lights of old. Because of this, for this set subject, we can take images of neon lights, or of lights that look like neon lights.

November 2025 - Patterns

A pattern is any regularly repeated arrangement, especially a design made from repeated lines, shapes, or colours on a surface. Patterns can be natural or man-made.