Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin, Shoalhaven, NSW
Meetings: 7:30pm
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month
Vincentia Community Hall
Check this list before you submit your photos!
1. Is the image sharp? Display the image at 100% on your computer. If the image is not sharp, don't submit it! Not now. Not ever. Never.
2. Is the exposure correct? Take a look at the histogram for the image. If the histogram suggests the image needs fixing, and you agree, fix it.
3. Is there anything in the image that is distracting and doesn't need to be there? Remove it (use cloning, spot healing, smudging, blurring etc) or crop it out.
4. Is the horizon straight?
5. Is the composition good? Would cropping improve it? Would adding space around the subject improve it?
6. Is colour important in the image? If not, consider converting it to monochrome.
7. Is the white balance correct?
8. Is the contrast correct?
9. Is the colour saturation and vibrancy correct?
Other things to consider ...
Do not submit two similar images into one competition - because they will detract from each other.
If your image shows someone else's art, have a serious think about not submitting it.
If your image relies on a fancy Photoshop (or similar) filter like liquify or swirl or spherize, have a serious think about not submitting it.
Every photographer takes bad shots. If you want people to think you are a good photographer, NEVER show your bad shots!
Get a "photo buddy" or "photo adviser", and ask them for a critique of every photo you intend showing to other people.
Take a look at One Judge's Guide to Scoring Criteria
1. Get and install the 4K Video Downloader program on your PC or Mac using the following procedures ...
a) Go to
b) Download the program that is right for your operating system
c) A file (called something similar to 4kvideodownloader_4.5.0_x64.msi) will be downloaded to your Downloads folder
c) Click on the file (or double click it) and follow the prompts to install the 4K Video Downloader program
2. Go to YouTube and copy the URL of the video you would like to download
3. Run the 4K Video Downloader program
4. Click on "Paste Link" - a window will appear showing the video and various options for downloading it
5. Make sure that "Download Video" is selected
6. Choose the Format - MP4 is recommended
7. Choose the Definition - the higher the better
8. Click on "Browse" to choose the destination folder for your download
9. Click on "Download"
1. Get and install the 4K Video Downloader program on your PC or Mac using the procedures above ...
2. Go to YouTube and copy the URL of the video you would like to extract the music from
3. Run the 4K Video Downloader program
4. Click on "Paste Link" - a window will appear showing the video and various options for downloading it
5. If "Download Video" is showing, click the down arrow and select "Extract Audio"
6. Choose the Format - MP3 is recommended
7. Choose the Quality - "Original" is fine, but the higher the better
8. Click on "Browse" to choose the destination folder for your download
9. Click on "Extract"
What Makes A Photo Good
This is an excellent article on what a photographer should consider when capturing an image - and what a judge should consider when evaluating an image.
Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset
There is a fantastic, free computer application called "The Photographers Ephemeris (TPE)" that shows online where the sun and moon will rise and set. Users can specify their viewing location and input any date. Go to and find TPE Web App or click on this link - TPE Web App.
Subscribe to a website that sends out tips daily or weekly
Try Picture Correct which will email you an article every day about various ways to improve your photography. Another excellent resource is Digital Photography School. You might not always need or use the articles, but it is a fantastic way to get you thinking about your photography every day!