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Bay and Basin Camera Club
Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin, Shoalhaven, NSW
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Meetings: 7:30pm
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month
Vincentia Community Hall

Membership and Fees

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in photography. Our membership year and financial year are both now aligned with the calendar year - January to December. We encourage potential members to attend a couple of meetings before deciding whether to join the club or not. If you then decide to join the club, complete our membership application form and give it to our treasurer at a meeting, along with your membership fees - see below.

Existing members wishing to renew their membership can make a direct deposit into our bank account - don't forget to include your name in the description! The BBCC account number is 137316782 and the BSB is 633-000.

New Members : if joining Jan - Jun

    $30.00   ($15.00 for students)

New Members : if joining July - Dec

    $15.00   ($10.00 for students)

Annual Membership Renewal :

    $30.00   ($15.00 for students)

Meeting Fee - $5.00 per meeting : paid on the night to offset the cost of hall hire and the coffee, tea and biscuits available during the evening.