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Bay and Basin Camera Club
Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin, Shoalhaven, NSW
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Meetings: 7:30pm
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month
Vincentia Community Hall

Club Library

Our club library currently consists of the following books -

Digital Black & White Landscape Photography: Fine Art Techniques from Camera to Print - by Gary Wagner
Both a how-to guide and an inspiration source- book; esteemed landscape photographer Gary Wagner here presents 60 of his favourite black and white images of the English countryside and provides detailed discussion of what equipment is needed to replicate them. Landscape features covered include lakes and streams, trees and rocks, coastal seascapes and man-altered landscapes.

Digital Photo Artist – by Ray Spence & Tony Worobiec
Accomplished photographers share their secrets for using digital technology (in 2005) as a tool for artistic expression. Worobiec and Spence take readers through each step in the process, starting with image capture methods utilizing compact cameras, video surveillance equipment, and flatbed scanners.

Max and Olive: the photographic life of Olive Cotton and Max Dupain - by Shaune Lakin
Olive Cotton and Max Dupain are key figures in Australian visual culture. They shared a long and close personal and professional relationship. This exhibition looks at their work made between 1934 and 1945, the period of their professional association; this was an exciting period of experimentation and growth in Australian photography, and Cotton and Dupain were at the centre of these developments.

Stunning Digital Photography - by Tony and Chelsea Northrup
In this book, Tony Northrup (award-winning author of more than 30 how-to books and a professional portrait, wildlife, and landscape photographer) teaches the art and science of creating stunning pictures.

The Passionate Photographer: Dream It, Be It - by Steve Simon
Take your passion for photography and close the gap between what you hope to achieve and what you do, following one of the world's most highly regarded photographers. This book will help you think about your photography and find a visual voice. It follows a clear structure which will make it useful for any reader and is fully illustrated with Simon's own inspiring photography and some work from the historical greats. Simon's understanding of photography makes for a book filled with tips you can immediately fold into your own shooting, quickly establishing your own vision, learning what to concentrate on in a shot, and pushing you beyond your comfort zone.

Books may be borrowed for up to a month.
To borrow a book, contact our librarian David McGuigan at a meeting or via email (