Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin, Shoalhaven, NSW
Meetings: 7:30pm
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month
Vincentia Community Hall
The Bay and Basin Camera Club was formed in 2008 for photographers in the Jervis Bay and St Georges Basin areas of the Shoalhaven on the south coast of NSW. We provide an informative, casual and friendly atmosphere in which members and potential members can improve and expand their photographic knowledge and horizons.
We recommend Flickr for online photo storage and display, and Lightroom for photo processing. A whole lot of photographic links can be found on our Links page.
Monthly Meetings and Photo Competitions
We meet at 7:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month (except for January and the 4th Tuesday in December) at the Vincentia Community Hall (see location below). Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month are Photo Competition meetings where photos submitted by members are critiqued and judged - usually by a guest judge but occasionally by all the members present. Meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month are "workshops" which may be presentations about different aspects of photography by guest speakers, presentations by club members, or "hands on" practical sessions where members take photographs using newly-learned techniques.
We have a break midway through each meeting for coffee, tea and biscuits, and the nights usually finish at about 9:30pm.
Membership and Fees (from July 1st 2018)
We have an annual membership fee and a small fee for each meeting as shown below.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in photography. Our membership year is the same as the calendar year - January to December. We encourage potential members to attend a couple of meetings before deciding whether to join the club or not. If you then decide to join the club, complete our membership application form and give it to our treasurer at a meeting, along with your membership fees - see below.
Existing members wishing to renew their membership can make a direct deposit into our bank account - don't forget to include your name in the description! The BBCC account number is 137316782 and the BSB is 633-000.
New Members (Jan - Jun) - $30.00 (students $15)
New Members (July - Dec) - $15.00 (students $10)
Annual Membership Renewal : $30.00 (students $15)
Meeting Fee - $5 per meeting : paid on the night to offset the cost of hall hire and the coffee, tea and biscuits available during the evening.
Photo Shoots
The club holds impromptu photo shoots from time to time whenever the opportunities present themselves, with members notified via email or by a post on the club's private Facebook group page.
Meeting Location - Vincentia Community Hall:
Every year the person who scores the most points in our monthly photo competitions (best 8 out of 10 results) becomes our Photographer of the Year.
Club members can bring their three best photos to our Awards Night in December where the people present vote for their favourite and decide on the Photo of the Year.
To see a list of our Set Subjects through the years, go to our Set Subject History page, and if you want to see who our judges have been, go to this page - Judges through the years.